Friday, September 21, 2012

Tazo China Green Tips Tea

Tazo China Green Tips Tea Review

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Natural health benefits are synonymous with Green tea and for thousands of years people have been reaping the benefits while simultaneously enjoying a flavorful cup of tea. Tazo has now made maintaining your health as easy as dropping a China green tips teabag into a cup of boiling water. These sealed in the garden, fresh tealeaves are steamed and then pan fired to enhance and bring forth the natural flavor. Like all teas, China green tips tea is made from the botanical plant Cameila Sinensis and contains natural caffeine, about as much as most black teas. China green tips tea flavor has a delicate green tea taste with a light green liquor. It might also make you think about words like, grassy, sweet and vegetative. The flavor is incredibly and undeniably fresh making you long for more. One customer claimed, "The flavor makes me think of what China green tips tea would taste like if I

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